Clinical Emphasis

Healing is also Beautiful.
As a therapist, I find the beauty in the healing process. I encompass so much pride for clients that develop insight, work hard and face the fear every day of their life. It's not easy and it's scary and can feel extremely overwhelming. But it's such a blessing and honor to witness the growth and journey in survivors.

It starts with a call, a talk, a note, etc. And you can get through it with support. I see healing every day. I witness it every day. I can tell you it is possible

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Trauma is a difficult, distressing and unpleasant experience that may cause an individual to have psychological problems. Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma, wrote that, “Trauma, by definition, is unbearable and intolerable”. Trauma occurs as far back as an infant or anytime in the present. Trauma affects everyone differently, so what may be traumatic to one person is not always traumatic to another person, and some cope and others don’t.

Childhood Trauma

Adult Trauma



Sexual Trauma

From Victim to Survivor to Thriver! Trauma Therapy for Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Irimiya Trauma Therapy, Inc. strives to heal survivors of sexual trauma. There is immense sensitive passion in working with individuals who have been sexually abused and treatment is unconditional and empathetic. The subject of sexual abuse often is considered taboo, biased and often culturally insensitive by those that have not been educated on sexual trauma. At Irimiya Trauma Therapy, Inc. sexual trauma stories, narratives, topics and discussions are encouraged and always welcomed. There is nothing that is “too gross”, “too much”, “too embarrassing” or “too inappropriate here to discuss. There is no judgement and no criticism.

Childhood Sexual Abuse

Types of CSA

Common Symptoms

Common Stories


Dissociative Disorders

Dissociative Disorders are mental health disorders which are often a result of a severe traumatic event/s. Individuals with Dissociative Disorders often dissociate (check out) in order to escape the present because functioning in daily life can feel overwhelming, scary and be anxiety provoking. Many dissociative Disorders are involuntary and can affect one’s daily function immensely.

What is Dissociation?

Commonly Seen


Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

Dissociative Disorders are mental health disorders which are often a result of a severe traumatic event/s. Individuals with Dissociative Disorders often dissociate (check out) in order to escape the present because functioning in daily life can feel overwhelming, scary and be anxiety provoking. Many dissociative Disorders are involuntary and can affect one’s daily function immensely.

What is Dissociation?

Commonly Seen


Complex PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a result of an individual experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. As a result, symptoms of flashbacks, anxiety, hypervigilance, nightmares and unwanted intrusive memories and/or unwanted thoughts of the traumatic event will occur. It is common to have feelings of shame, guilt, fear, anger and depressed mood. Sometimes symptoms can be extremely intense, in which the individual has suicidal ideation and/or engages in self-harm or suicidal behaviors. Symptoms of PTSD vary from individual to individual.

At Irimiya Trauma Therapy, Inc. many adult survivors of sexual traumas have symptoms of PTSD.

What is PTSD?


Attachment Trauma

Attachment starts at conception between the fetus/baby and mother. When a baby is born, the attachment bond begins between the baby and primary-caregiver. The child’s attachment with their primary caregiver affects their future relationships with other people, including adolescent years and into adulthood. Trauma is a disturbing event, a situation that disrupts the brain’s ability to understand and make sense of what happened.

What is it?
